Children of the Trinity
Holy Trinity, Year B Mitch Kitson Holy Trinity, Year B Mitch Kitson

Children of the Trinity

Trinity Sunday gives us an opportunity to think about not just what God does, but who God is. We can’t have a proper understanding of God or even have a genuine relationship with Him without recognising that God is triune, three in one, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the reading from Romans 8, Paul teaches us about what it means to be children of this triune and holy God.

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Labour pains
Pentecost, Year B Mitch Kitson Pentecost, Year B Mitch Kitson

Labour pains

When St Paul describes what it means to be a Christian person, He imagines that we are in a time of patient waiting. We find ourselves in the most peaceful, clean, quiet place you can think of—a birthing suite.

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Stick to His plan
Ascension, Year B Mitch Kitson Ascension, Year B Mitch Kitson

Stick to His plan

All the apostles wanted was a quick fix—a political saviour who would restore Israel to its former glory. We aren't so different when we hope for instant solutions in the Church or in our personal lives. Christ calls His apostles (along with us) to a different way—a way of faith and witnessing.

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The bigger picture
Easter, Year B Mitch Kitson Easter, Year B Mitch Kitson

The bigger picture

As we continue in this season of Easter, we celebrate the victory that Christ has won for us over death and reflect on what that means for how we live our lives here on earth. The apostle Peter delivers a sermon which describes how the people denied Jesus and had him killed, yet somehow it was all according to God’s plan to bring life to the world.

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The Gospel
Easter Day, Year B Mitch Kitson Easter Day, Year B Mitch Kitson

The Gospel

Today is the day we set aside to celebrate the fullness of the Gospel—that Christ died, was buried, and was raised for the sins of the world. Today, we remember that we have received the Gospel, we stand in the Gospel, and we are being saved by the Gospel.

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Faith in song
Palm Sunday, Year B Mitch Kitson Palm Sunday, Year B Mitch Kitson

Faith in song

On Palm Sunday, it wasn’t the people’s genius to use the psalms that made their praise meaningful. It is the Holy Spirit that causes the word of Christ to dwell in each of us and inspires us to make melody to him.

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From death to life
Lent, Year B Mitch Kitson Lent, Year B Mitch Kitson

From death to life

Jesus describes his coming suffering and death to his disciples in a very honest way and even admits that it scares him. Yet, his determination to bring glory to God’s name is far greater than his fear of what’s to come.

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Why do you believe in Jesus?
Lent, Year B Mitch Kitson Lent, Year B Mitch Kitson

Why do you believe in Jesus?

Belief in Jesus is no longer a given. Why do we believe in Jesus? This is a foundational question that each of us should be able to answer. Our gospel reading provides some direction as we consider this simple, yet challenging question.

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The Cross, the Crux, and the Call
Lent, Year B Mitch Kitson Lent, Year B Mitch Kitson

The Cross, the Crux, and the Call

As we continue on our Lenten journey of repentance, we are faced with quite a challenging word. As Jesus explains the path of suffering ahead for him and asks the disciples to follow him straight into the furnace, Peter’s response of confusion reveals something about the human heart.

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Food, Faith & Freedom
Time after Epiphany, Year B Mitch Kitson Time after Epiphany, Year B Mitch Kitson

Food, Faith & Freedom

Paul encourages the Corinthian Christians to use their knowledge of God and the Christian faith for the benefit of others and to build one another up in love. The specific example he speaks about is whether Christians should eat the food offered to idols, but the core issue underneath it all is how we are to live out the freedom we have in Christ.

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A Christmas kind of grace
Christmas Day, Year B Mitch Kitson Christmas Day, Year B Mitch Kitson

A Christmas kind of grace

It’s easy for Christmas to become a little stale for us Christians. We know the story and we can sometimes struggle to engage with it spiritually through all the noise. However, Christmas offers us a special perspective on the grace of God that is worth being reminded of every year.

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A moment in time
Advent, Year B Mitch Kitson Advent, Year B Mitch Kitson

A moment in time

As we prepare for Christmas through this Advent season, we are being reminded that our true preparation is for Jesus’ second coming. In our New Testament reading, Peter has some things to say about time—how much we depend on it and how little God does.

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