Clothed in Christ
Time after Christmas, Year C Mitch Kitson Time after Christmas, Year C Mitch Kitson

Clothed in Christ

As people who have been clothed with the love of Christ in baptism, we are called to live in that love every day. Christmas is a great reminder of that love, but how can we carry the joy of Christmas into every day? In Christ, we are clothed with compassion, freed by forgiveness, and we persevere in peace.

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The gift of grace
Christmas Day, Year C Mitch Kitson Christmas Day, Year C Mitch Kitson

The gift of grace

On this special day, we celebrate the gift of grace. God’s saving grace, revealed to us in this baby born in Bethlehem, is the greatest gift we could ever receive. God’s grace appeared to save us. God’s grace renews and transforms us. God’s grace gives us hope for our future.

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The Magnificat
Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson

The Magnificat

Advent is a season of waiting, but in this final week, our anticipation turns to joy and proclamation. Mary’s song, the Magnificat, offers a profound glimpse into how God works through humble people to fulfill His promises. Her words invite us to magnify the Lord and to live in alignment with God’s transformative vision for the world.

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Preparing with purpose
Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson

Preparing with purpose

In the years and months before Jesus’ arrival in the world, John the Baptist preaches with intensity and urgency, but his words are a call to a real, joyful transformation. Today, John lays out for us three ways to prepare this Advent with purpose: through repentance, generosity, and hope.

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The dawn of a new day
Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson

The dawn of a new day

During long nights with a baby that just won’t sleep, it can be difficult to see the end of it. But, when the dawn starts to break, there is hope that it’ll all be OK. There will still be a new day in front of us. There will be a tomorrow, and there is a chance it’ll be better than today was. This is the kind of hope that Jesus brings into the world.

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Living in hopeful anticipation
Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson Advent, Year C Mitch Kitson

Living in hopeful anticipation

Advent begins with the theme of anticipation—not just for Christmas, but for the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises. In a world filled with anxiety and uncertainty, Christ calls us to live in hopeful anticipation as we watch for His redemption.

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Blessings and woes (Lk. 6:20-31)
All Saints, Year C Mitch Kitson All Saints, Year C Mitch Kitson

Blessings and woes (Lk. 6:20-31)

It seems as though Jesus is quite aware of the ups and downs of this life. In a way, he might even be taking some responsibility for it. Today, he addresses life’s blessings, woes, and the love we experience through it all. These all come from God, and they are all good for us.

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